The Train...

I acquired this Indian classic on assignment for Time a few years back. I was recovering from a long flight in New Delhi before heading to Kabul and watching cable TV when this came on. I was instantly captivated but never imagined that I'd have the time or the very good luck to find this on DVD or any other format, as I presumed it, difficult to acquire. The next day I jauntily found my way to Time's offices in Delhi and casually mentioned this to the bureau chief. As we chit-chatted about my upcoming trip, un?be?knownst to me a video wallah had been dispatched and within a half hour of mentioning that I loved watching "The Train" last night in my hotel suite, I was holding it in my dirty little bourgeois hands....

Here is the first half...and if you are good, I'll play CD wallah and git you the other half...

Click on the link below, 1 hour and 8 minutes...of 60's Bollybliss... The Train